Recent Winners of NCEL Scholarships:
NCEL has awarded $639,000 in scholarships to 463 students since 1994!

2024 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 71 applicants:
2023 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 62 applicants:
2022 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 78 applicants:
2021 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 79 applicants:
2020 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 88 applicants:
2019 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 78 applicants:
2018 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 99 applicants:
2017 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 108 applicants:
2016 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 112 applicants:
2015 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 132 applicants:
- Anna Azure, College of St. Scholastica. Daughter of Mark Azure, Dunham Associates.
- Aspen Brown, Northern State University. Daughter of Russell Brown, J.H. Larson.
- Ethan Carter, University of Minnesota-Duluth. Son of Taryn Carter, Minnesota Power.
- Kiefer Dick, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Son of Ann Palzer, Hunt Electric Corporation.
- Bruce Doeren, University of North Dakota. Son of Carsten Doeren, Doeren Sales & Associates.
- Benjamin Fults, South Dakota State University . Son of Matthew Fults, Emanuelson Podas.
- David Fultz, University of Wisconsin - Stout. Son of Justin Fultz, Xcel Energy.
- Bria Hartung, University of Mary. Daughter of Adam Hartung, Border States Electric..
- Alex Hoglund, Iowa State University. Son of Christopher Hoglund, Cummins, Inc.
- Benjamin Horner, South Dakota State University. Son of Jeremey Horner, Border States Electric.
- Jaclyn Ianfolla, Iowa State University. Daughter of Jason Ianfolla, Medina Electric.
- Katlyn Jones, College of St. Scholastica. Daughter of Benjamin Jones, H & R Electric.
- Avery Klein, Bismarck State College. Daughter of Travis Klein, Otter Tail Power Company.
- Nathan Loraas, University of Minnesota-Duluth. Son of Gregg Loraas, ALLETE MN Power..
- Meredith Mayer, Auburn University. Daughter of John Mayer, Graybar Electric.
- Ashley Rapp, University of Minnesota- Duluth.. Daughter of Keri Rapp, Dakota Electric.
- Naomi Sandstrom, South Dakota State University. Daughter of Robert Sandstrom, Superior Water Light & Power.
- Madison South, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Daughter of Stacy South, ALLETE MN Power.
- Katelynn Stanius, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Daughter of Steve Stanius, Fresco.
- Isabella Villa, Grinnell College. Daughter of Monica Prom, Minnesota Power.
2023 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 62 applicants:
- Seth Bakken, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Son of Terri Bakken, Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative.
- Rubee Bocht, University of Minnesota - Duluth. Daughter of Susan Bocht, Minnesota Power.
- Nick Bonthius, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Son of Phil Bonthius, Electrotech Inc.
- Isabella Bovitz, University of Wisconsin - River Falls. Daughter of Stephen Bovitz, Viking Electric.
- Anna Fisher, Concordia University - Saint Paul. Daughter of Ben Fisher, Hunt Electric Corporation.
- Ellie Fisher, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Daughter of Ben Fisher, Hunt Electric Corporation.
- Ruth Frederickson, Lake Superior College. Daughter of Franklyn Frederickson, ALLETE.
- Abby Gunderson, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Daughter of Aaron Gunderson, Hunt Electric Corporation.
- Caleb Harmes, University of Northwestern - Saint Paul. Son of Scott Harmes, Siemens.
- Alex Hoglund, Iowa State University. Son of Christopher Hoglund, Cummins.
- Delaney Koecher, University of Wisconsin - Superior. Daughter of Tina Koecher, ALLETE MN Power.
- Maggie Koskela, Bemidji State University. Daughter of Kevin Koskela, Minnesota Power.
- Liv Loftsgaarden, Fort Lewis College. Daughter of Joseph Loftsgaarden, HM Cragg.
- Emily Nuss, North Dakota State University. Daughter of Jerry Nuss, Otter Tail Power Company.
- Katelin Phelps, Brown College. Daughter of Beth Phelps, DAVIS & Associates.
- Ashley Reed, St. Cloud State University. Daughter of LeAnn Reed, Great River Energy.
- Reanna Reinke, University of Minnesota - Duluth. Daughter of David Reinke, Dakota Electric.
- Carly Schweich, University of Wisconsin - River Falls. Daughter of Robert Schweich, TKDA.
- Madison South, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Daughter of Stacy South, ALLETE MN Power.
- Tate Tromblay, Iowa State University. Son of Adam Tromblay, Nobles Cooperative Electric.
2022 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 78 applicants:
- Seth Bakken, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Son of Terri Bakken, Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative.
- Jonah Bettin, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, Son of Susan Bettin, Great River Energy.
- Alan Boganrief, U of MN Morris. Son of Martin W Boganrief, Xcel Energy.
- Max Curtis, Metropolitan Community College Kansas City. Son of Aimee Curtis, Minnesota Power.
- Kaitlyn Dailey, Luther College. Daughter of Chad Dailey, VanMeter.
- Gustav Gerhardson, St. Olaf College. Son of Bruce Gerhardson, Otter Tail Power Company.
- Annika Hillstrom, Bethel University. Daughter of Jason Hillstrom, ABB Electrification Products.
- Alex Hoglund, Iowa State University. Son of Christopher Hoglund, Cummins.
- William Lehnherr, South Dakota State University. Son of Patrick Lehnherr, Barr Engineering Company.
- Jack Libbesmeier, Drake University. Son of Jack Libbesmeier, Primus Marketing.
- Ellen Lorentz, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Daughter of Brian Ronald Lorentz, Xcel Energy.
- Tori Novitzki, University of Minnesota Duluth. Daughter of Matthew Novitzki, ALLETE.
- Lauren Nuhring, University of Mn-Duluth. Daughter of Jonathan Nuhring, Minnesota Power.
- Linsey Otterson, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Daughter of Jay Otterson, Viking Electric Supply – Rochester.
- Samuel Rausch, Lake Superior College. Son of Gregory Rausch, Ottertail Power Company.
- Reanna Reinke, University of Mn-Duluth. Daughter of David Reinke, Dakota Electric.
- Kayleigh Skeer, University of Minnesota. Daughter of Angela Skeer, Hunt Electric Corporation.
- Katelynn Stanius, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Daughter of Steven Stanius, Fresco INC.
- Gavin Stodden, Gustavus Adolphus College. Son of Stephanie Stodden, Viking Electric.
- Joseph Verdick, University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Son of James S Verdick, Collins Electric.
2021 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 79 applicants:
- Lucas Aberwald, University of Minnesota - Duluth, Mechanical Engineering. Son of Dan Aberwald, Egan Co.
- Anna Fisher, Concordia College, Secondary Math Education. Daughter of Ben Fisher, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Amber Miller, Concordia College St. Paul, Orthotics/Prosthetics. Daughter of Brooks Miller, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Brooke Reinhardt, University of Wisconsin – LaCrosse, Psychology. Daughter of Eldred Reinhardt, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Amelia Thoreson, University of Iowa, International Relations & Spanish. Daughter of Eric Thoreson, Electrical Production Services.
- Alec Meland, Northwest Technical College, Electrical Construction & Maintenance. Son of Jerry Meland, Dakota Supply Group.
- Brandon Mork, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Civil Engineering. Son of Gina Mork, J.H. Larson Electric.
- Jakob Otterson, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, Social Studies Education. Son of Jay Otterson, Viking Electric.
- Gavin Stodden, Gustavus Adolphus College, Exercise Psychology. Son of Stephanie Stodden, Viking Electric.
- Anna Youngs, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Medical Lab Sciences. Daughter of Steve Youngs, Steen Engineering.
- Bettina Rebman, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Mechanical Engineering. Daughter of Larry Rebman, EMLS.
- Alex Hoglund, Iowa State University, Mechanical Engineering. Son of Christopher Hoglund, Cummins.
- Katelynn Stanuis, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Nursing. Daughter of Steve Stanuis, FRESCO.
- Dalton Bonn, University of North Dakota, Electrical Engineering. Son of Dalton Bonn, Otter Tail Power.
- Jessica Christoffer, South Dakota State University, Food Sciences. Daughter of Andrea Christoffer, Federated Rural Electric Co-op.
- Chase Raukman, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Aerospace Engineering. Son of William Raukman, Xcel Energy.
- Samuel Rausch, Lake Superior College, Professional Pilot. Son of Greg Rausch, Otter Tail Power.
- Ashley Reed, North Dakota State University, Architecture. Daughter of LeAnn Reed, Great River Energy.
- Dalton Schmit, Bismarck State College, Graphic Design & Communications. Son of Joleen Schmit, Otter Tail Power.
- Izabelle Siebenaler, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Legal Studies. Daughter of Richard Siebebaler, Dakota Electric Assn.
2020 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 88 applicants:
- Elena Branca, College of St. Benedict, Global Business. Daughter of Denny Branca, Electrotech Inc.
- Zoe Dascalos, Minnesota State – Mankato, Consumer Science. Daughter of Alexander Dascalos, Egan Co.
- Alec Eismann, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Psychology. Son of Kurt Eismann, AJB Sales.
- Emily Frigaard, University of North Dakota, Physical Therapy. Daughter of Kyle Frigaard, Otter Tail Power.
- Cordelia Ham, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Biology. Daughter of Tao Ham, HGA.
- Jill Herman, Bethel University, Communications. Daughter of Chris Herman, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Charles Johnson, University of North Dakota, Commercial Aviation. Son of Peggy Johnson, Dakota Electric Association.
- Emma Johnson, Winona State University, Elementary Education. Daughter of Danielle Johnson, Dakota Electric Association.
- Jack Libbesmeier, Drake University, Biochemistry. Son of Jeff Libbesmeier, Primus Marketing Group.
- Mason Mayer, Inver Hills Community College, Communications. Son of John Mayer, Graybar Electric Co.
- Ben McNaboe, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Biology. Son of Tim McNaboe, EMS Partners.
- Nathan Novotny, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Architecture. Son of Scott Novotny, Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs.
- Hannah Pharis, Marquette University, Exercise Physiology. Daughter of Scott Pharis, Eaton Electrical.
- Molly Rapp, College of St. Catherine’s, Business. Daughter of Keri Rapp, Dakota Electric Association.
- Bettina Rebman, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, Mechanical Engineering. Daughter of Larry Rebman, EMLS Inc.
- Andrew Reed, St. Cloud State University, Information Systems. Son of LeAnn Reed, Great River Energy.
- Madelyn Reineke, University of Minnesota – Duluth, Graphic Design Marketing. Daughter of Matthew Reineke, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Ellie Stodden, Gustavus Adolphus College, Biology. Daughter of Stephanie Stodden, Viking Electric.
- Alyssa Stommel, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Architecture. Daughter of Gary Stommel, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Olivia Windjue, Chippewa Valley Technical College, Diagnostic Medical Stenography. Daughter of Brad Windjue, Werner Electric Supply MN.
2019 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 78 applicants:
- Avery Bentrott, St. John’s University, History & Accounting. Son of Chris Bentrott, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Alessandro Berns, Florida International University, undeclared. Son of Matt Berns, Viking Electric Supply
- Kathryn Breuckman, University of St. Thomas, Chemistry. Daughter of Tom Breuckman, Xcel Energy
- Jessica Christoffer, South Dakota State University, Food Science. Daughter of Andrea Christoffer, Federated Rural Electric Co-op
- David Fender, University of Minnesota – Duluth, Civil Engineering. Son of Julie Fender, Allete-Minnesota Power
- Derek Fender, University of Minnesota – Duluth, Civil Engineering. Son of Julie Fender, Allete-Minnesota Power
- Elizabeth Fink, College of St. Scholastica, Biology. Daughter of Tim Fink, Egan Company
- Drew Klemann, St. John’s University, Biochemistry. Son of Cheryl Klemann, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Thomas Lehnherr, Marquette University, Civil Engineering. Son of Patrick Lehnherr, BARR Engineering
- Jack Libbesmeier, Drake University, Pre-Med. Son of Jeff Libbesmeier, Primus Marketing Group
- Marin Melloy, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Biology & Spanish. Daughter of Terri Cook-Melloy, Signify
- Wyatt Melloy, University of St. Thomas, Electrical Engineering. Son of Terri Cook-Melloy, Signify
- Amy Miller, University of Wisconsin – Stout, Entertainment Design/Animation. Daughter of Joe Miller, Dakota Electric Association
- Nathan Novotny, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Architecture. Son of Scott Novotny, U of M Electrical Inspections
- Camryn Nuhring, Lake Superior College, undeclared. Son of Jonathan Nuhring, Allete-Minnesota Power
- Kari Orr, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, Public Relations/Marketing. Daughter of Sally Orr, Electrotech
- Brooke Reinhardt, University of Wisconsin – LaCrosse, Psychology. Daughter of Eldred Reinhardt, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Amanda Scott, Arizona State University, Sports Business. Daughter of Jay Scott, Grissinger-Johnson Sales
- Isabelle Siebenaler, University of Wisconsin – Madison, undeclared. Daughter of Jane Siebenaler, Dakota Electric Association
- Samuel Verdick, Minnesota State – Mankato, Musical Theater. Son of Jim Verdick, Collins Electric
2018 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 99 applicants:
- Bailey Bakken, Bethany Lutheran College. Daughter of Terri Bakken, Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative
- Dylan Brend, University of St. Thomas. Son of Darian Brend, Xcel Energy
- Kathryn Breuckman, University of St. Thomas. Daughter of Tom Breuckman, Xcel Energy
- Zoe Dascalos, Minnesota State University – Mankato. Daughter of Alexander Dascalos, Parsons Electric
- Jacey Edlin, South Dakota State University. Daughter of Julie Edlin, Federated Rural Electric
- Thomas Harrison, Indiana University – Bloomington. Son of Karla Harrison, Grissinger-Johnson Sales
- Amy Miller, University of Wisconsin – Stout. Daughter of Joe Miller, Dakota Electric Association
- Shane Moore, University of North Dakota. Son of Steve Stanius, FRESCO
- Emily Nelson, College of St. Benedict. Daughter of Michael Nelson, Xcel Energy
- Nathan Novotny, University of Minnesota – Duluth. Son of Scott Novotny, U of M Electrical Inspections
- Jakob Otterson, University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. Son of Jay Otterson, Viking Electric Supply
- Lauren Pendar, Inver Hills Community College. Daughter of Daniel Pendar, Xcel Energy
- Rachel Pietsch, University of St. Thomas. Daughter of Gordon Pietsch, Great River Energy
- Emily Resch, South Dakota State University. Daughter of Julie Resch, Federated Rural Electric
- Zoe Stegora-Peterson, College of St. Scholastica. Daughter of Todd Stegora-Peterson, Industrial Lighting Supply
- John Suess, Minnesota State University – Mankato. Son of Tim Suess, Graybar Electric
- Amelia Thoreson, University of Iowa. Daughter of Eric Thoreson, Electrical Production Services
- Samuel Verdick, Minnesota State University – Mankato. Son of James Verdick, Collins Electric
- Kelly Wilson, University of San Diego. Daughter of Brett Wilson, Viking Electric Supply
- Chad Ziemer, University of St. Thomas. Son of Mark Ziemer, Barr Engineering
2017 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 108 applicants:
- Savanah Bettin, North Dakota State University, Susan Bettin, Great River Energy
- Noah Bishop, College of St. Scholastica, son of Christopher Bishop, Allete-Minnesota Power
- Dylan Brend, University of St. Thomas, son of Darian Brend, Xcel Energy
- Garrett Brengman, Anoka Technical College, son of Mark Brengman, Steen Engineering
- Hannah Brodersen, University of St. Thomas, daughter of Enoch Brodersen, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Kailey Colvard, Minnesota State University – Mankato, daughter of Brian Colvard, Collins Electric
- Nathan Covelski, Rochester Community & Technical College, son of Matt Covelski, Xcel Energy
- Chandler Frigaard, Minnesota State University – Mankato, son of Kyle Frigaard, Otter Tail Power
- Emma Gorman, College of St. Benedict, daughter of Pamela Gorman-Prochaska, Xcel Energy
- Kylie Kanwischer, Minnesota State University – Moorhead, daughter of Kathy Kanwischer, Border States
- Taylor Kasprzak, Minnesota State University – Moorhead, child of Jeffrey Kasprzak, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Simon Killeen, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, son of John Killeen, LKPB Engineering
- Samantha Klemann, St. Olaf College, daughter of Cheryl Klemann, Hunt Electric Corp.
- Kiley Loven, Minnesota State University – Moorhead, daughter of John Loven, Great River Energy
- Megan Lukitsch, University of Iowa, daughter of Dan Lukitsch, Viking Electric Supply
- Nathan Novotny, University of Minnesota – Duluth, son of Scott Novotny, U of MN Electrical Inspections
- Stephen Parlow, North Dakota State University, son of Marsha Parlow, Great River Energy
- Shannon Quinn, Arizona State University, daughter of Tom Quinn, Grissinger-Johnson Sales
- Alexander Roelofs, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, son of Wayne Roelofs, Great River Energy
- Jordan Schwarz, University of Minnesota – Duluth, child of Susan Schwarz, Allete-Minnesota Power
2016 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 112 applicants:
- Cydney Berlinger, North Dakota State University, daughter of Martin Berlinger, Otter Tail Power Company
- Eli Bettin, North Dakota State University, son of Susan Bettin, Great River Energy
- Anna Blauw, Dordt College, daughter of David Blauw, Viking Electric Supply
- Mackenzie Bottolfson, Century College, daughter of Kevin Bottolfson, Viking Electric Supply
- Julianne Branca, University of MN - Twin Cities, daughter of Dennis Branca, Eaton
- Laura Cashin, University of Wisconsin - Superior, daughter of Michael Cashin, Allete - MN Power
- Kailey Colvard, Minnesota State-Mankato, daughter of Brian Colvard, Collins Electric
- Alec Eismann, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, son of Kurt Eismann, AJB Sales
- Elizabeth Fink, College of Saint Scholastica, daughter of Tim Fink, Nietz Electric, Egan Company
- Michelle Gutzmann, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, daughter of Mark Gutzmann, Xcel Energy
- Tyra Jaramillo, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, daughter of Martha Jaramillo, Dakota Electric Association
- Joseph Johnson, North Dakota State University, son of Philip Johnson, Allete - MN Power
- Kailyn Kuzel, Minnesota State-Mankato, daughter of Randy Kuzel, AJB Sales
- Katherine Lehnherr, University of Kansas, daughter of Patrick Lehnherr, Barr Engineering Co.
- Lauren Rodby, University of North Dakota, daughter of Joel Rodby, Bussmann by Eaton
- Samuel Rodenberg, University of Minnesota - Duluth, son of Michael Rodenberg, Allete - MN Power
- Kelley Wilson, University of San Diego, daughter of Brett Wilson, Graybar
- Jacob Wolf, University of Jamestown, son of Ritchie Wolf, Otter Tail Power Company
- Abigail Wormwood, St. Cloud State University, daughter of Sharon Wormwood, MN Rural Electric Association
- Lorissa Ziemer, North Central University, daughter of Mark Ziemer, BARR Engineering
2015 NCEL Scholarship Winners -- $30,000 to 20 winners of $1,500 each from 132 applicants:
- Bryce Blinkhorn, University of Minnesota-Duluth, son of Terry Blinkhorn, Parsons Electric
- Jacob Heiller, Iowa State University, son of Bob Heiller, Burns & McDonnell
- John Keefe, Michigan Tech University, son of Tim Keefe, Viking Electric Supply
- Evan Kerska, University of North Dakota, son of Shane Kerska, Border States Electric Supply
- Kevin Kucera, University of Wisconsin-Madison, son of Jim Kucera, Xcel Energy
- Miranda Nelson, Penn State University, daughter of Brett Nelson, Energy Product Sales
- Kaitlyn Neville, University of North Dakota, daughter of Darla Neville, Otter Tail Power
- Bridget Novotny, Winona State University, daughter of Scott Novotny, University of Minnesota
- Evan Olson, University of Minnesota, son of Bill Olson, Parsons Electric
- Veronika Palecek, Winona State University, daughter of Bill Palecek, Collins Electric
- Katherine Pursley, University of Minnesota, daughter of Dick Pursley, Great River Energy
- Claire Ripley, Northwestern University of St. Paul, daughter of Steve Ripley, Otter Tail Power
- Brooke Rogelstad, South Dakota State University, daughter of Tim Rogelstad, Otter Tail Power
- Amber Shay, South Dakota State University, daughter of Kyle Shay, Dakota Electric Association
- Samantha Specht, Augustana College, daughter of Andrew Specht, Otter Tail Power
- Jaclyn Studniski, University of Wisconsin-Stout, daughter of Ed Studniski, Gausman & Moore
- Benjamin Taufen, University of St. Thomas, son of Laura Taufen, Xcel Energy
- Hannah Voeller, North Dakota State University, daughter of Mark Voeller, Otter Tail Power
- Kelly Wilson, University of San Diego, daughter of Brett Wilson, Graybar Electric Co.
- Kevin Zheng, Carnegie Mellon University, son of Hanchu Zheng, Xcel Energy