Individual NCEMC membership is available to any sales agent or direct sales representative of a manufacturer of electrical or electrically related products -- provided their rep agency/company is a corporate member of the NCEL Manufacturers Division. NCEMC membership is held in the individual's name and is transferable to another rep agency/company, provided the new company meets the above membership criteria. Annual NCEMC membership dues fee is $210, and you can find a NCEMC new membership application here.
NCEMC Membership Benefits:
NCEMC members' product lines (manufacturer line cards) are listed in our annual printed Directory & Buyer's Guide and available all the time online through the Members Area on this website.
NCEMC members are the first people to select booth space at the Upper Midwest Electrical EXPO.
NCEMC members receive substantial discounts on their booths selected for the Electrical EXPO.
NCEMC members have their own R.E. Lieb Memorial Scholarship program for NCEMC members' children.
NCEMC members sponsor their own Holiday Party, and Red Kettles on December Saturday's.
NCEMC is the sponsor of the annual Electrical Industry Charity Golf Classic for the industry each August.
NCEMC is the presenting organization of the biennial Upper Midwest Electrical EXPO for the industry.
NCEMC membership meetings typically occur the last Friday of the month, from October through May. Each meeting is free for NCEMC members to attend, enjoy a full meal, and offers a speaker on industry related issues, small business topic, or general interest. NCEMC members must accompany guests they register, provided the guest is not a customer (customers are not allowed to attend NCEMC meetings). Attendance at NCEMC meetings is the determining factor in booth selection order for the NCEMC's biennial Upper Midwest Electrical EXPO.